Get your these suggestions...and get to writing.
(I'm so bossy)
1. How often do you go to the grocery store?
2. Do you love or hate going grocery shopping?
3. Where do you go?
4. Are you a faithful list writer?
5. Do you write it but never remember to bring it?
6. Do you use coupons?
7. What is something that you ALWAYS have in your fridge?
8. What is the thing in your fridge that is a "guilty pleasure"?
9. What is that one or two things that you feel like you buy every single day?
10. What items do your children consume in ABUNDANCE.
(like I'm admitting my children to Juicy Juice REHAB...they said NO NO NO)
11. What's on your fridge?
12. Are the fridge magnets special, or random?
13. When you go to the store do you just throw things into the cart, or do you stack them neatly?
Just take a few moments to reflect on the fridge, and the things that go in it..and your process. I seriously think its interesting that we are all probably so very different in our routines, in our process, in the things that we buy - the things that we would never buy.
Get to writing!
(cracks whip)