18+ Journaling Ideas for your viewing and jotting pleasure...
1. What do you do while you watch TV? Are you very focused on the show? Or are you a multi-tasker? Do you fold laundry, pay bills, surf the Internet, eat dinner, drink a cup of coffee, snuggle with your loved one(s), do your homework, or scrapbook?
2. Are you pretty laid back and chill - or are you always having to "shhhh" people?
3. Write out what is currently on your DVR/TiVo List...you could even do shortcuts. (Example)Mine would go something like this:
The Office (13)
LOST (11)
SNL (6)
Power Rangers Jungle Fury (5)
4. Write a list of all the movies you have.
5. Jot down a little note or two about your favorite "TV watching" beverage or snack.
6. Parents- how many times a day do you have to put in that ONE movie for your child that they love so much? How long have they loved it? Write down a few movies that they have gone through this phase with.
7. What about a show that you CANNOT believe that you actually watch. Whether its because its not your style, or its "cheesy"...
8. Call your movie store or look up online and jot some journaling down about the last 5 movies you rented. Give a review of each one, or rank them 1-5.
9. Who is your TV crush? Write down why....(dibs on Patrick Dempsey)
10. Simply write about your all time favorite TV show. (whether still on air or not)
11. Simply write about your all time favorite movie.
12. Write about a movie that you did NOT want to watch, but did - and you LOVED it.
13. If you DVR/TiVo something...do you watch it right away? or just whenever you get a second...
14. Is there a TV show your spouse/gf/bf got you hooked on or vice versa?
15. Do you have TV's in all of your rooms?
My husband refuses to have a TV in our room - and I am grateful for that.
16. Do you watch the same episode over and over? (with LOST sometimes i have to)
17. When you are done with a show - do you delete it? Or Save it?
18. Could you give up TV for an extended amount of time? Would you be better because of it?
Get to writing - you will be glad you did...i promise.
Thanks for the sweet words and all the understanding.
I appreciate it more than you know.