Twenty Three Ideas for
JOTting Subject Two.
1. When did this collection start?
2. How did it start?
3. Which item started it all?
4. Which is your most favorite of the bunch and why?
5. Which is your least favorite of the bunch and why?
6. Which is the newest addition and when was it purchased?
Which is the most expensive, and are you ashamed to admit just how much it was?8. Which is the cheapest of the group?
9. Which do you consider to be the most interesting and why?
10. Which is the ugliest of all? What makes it so ugly?
11. Are people jealous of your collection?
12. Do people help you?
By buying you additions at Christmas or birthdays or keeping their eyes peeled at thrift stores?13. List them all. Out beside the list of each one write a little comment.
Does your collection take up lots of space? If so, is that cool with everyone in the house?15. Does this collection annoy others, and if so why?
16. Did this start on purpose or was it an accidental accumulation?
17. Did someone in particular inspire this obsession?
18. Would you ever get rid of this collection?
19. What would it take for you to get rid of it?
20. Does it collect dust or is it lovingly attended to often?
21. Is the relationship with your prized possessions serious or casual?
22. Which gets the most use?
23. Are you "over" your collection, but will probably have until death?
Surely one of these will give you some direction.
Happy jotting my sweet friends.